Rabbi date

Rabbi date is a kind of soft date in black color and there is a great demand for this type of date in the domestic and international market. Since a large part of this date is exported to Pakistan, some traders called it Pakistani date, but the harvest of Rabi date is exclusively in Iran. Because the sweetness of dates is natural and less expensive than dates, some people prefer dates because of their low sweetness.
Area under cultivation of dates in Iran and harvest time
The area under cultivation of date palm is more than 15720 hectares. Rabbi date cultivation areas are located in different provinces of Iran, but the main production center of this date is in the southeastern province of Iran in Sistan and Baluchestan, Zabol, Saravan, Iranshahr and Chabahar. The best grade and quality of Rabi dates are cultivated in Zabol and Iranshahr.
Pakistan is located in the east of Sistan and Baluchestan province, which is the main center of rabbi date production, and since the products of the province’s gardens have been bought by Pakistani traders for many years and exported to the international market, some people have Known as Pakistani dates.
This type of date is the earliest plant among all Iranian dates. Harvest time begins in mid-September and lasts until early October.
Specialized features of Rabbi dates
Rabbi dates are dark brown to black. Rabbit kernels are smaller than their flesh and are easy to wash because of the skin and texture. These dates are in the group of semi-dry dates with a moisture content of less than 14%. The size of the date is slightly elongated and its normal length is between 3-5 cm.

Nutrients and benefits of dates
Rabi dates are recommended by nutritionists because of their high vitamin content. This date is full of fiber so it is useful for regulating the digestive system and prevents constipation. Rabi dates are rich in antioxidants that help regulate blood pressure and control stress, as well as prevent clogged arteries.
The use of dates is beneficial for bone health due to its minerals such as magnesium, calcium, manganese and selenium. The effect of this date on hair health, anemia and skin health should also be emphasized.
This fruit is rich in potassium and minerals, which makes it a natural laxative that can improve the digestive system. Rabi dates also contain compounds of vitamin A and potassium.
This delicious date is low in natural sugars such as lactose, fructose and glucose. Having these sugars makes it a safe food source for people with diabetes and high blood pressure.
This date is useful for pregnant women due to its iron and mineral nutrients. And it can be useful for treating anemia and maintaining energy for body activities.

Storage, packaging and export of Rabi dates
Iranian rabbi dates can be healthy at room temperature for 12 to 18 months. Also, these dates do not need to be refrigerated for transportation so they will be easier to transport. It offers Rabi dates in 5 and 10 kg packages and for private labels in 500 and 600 g packages.
Rabbi dates are very popular in domestic and international markets. Since this date has a regular sweetness, it is suitable for customers who like dates with a medium sweetness. Due to the high market demand for these dates, most customers pre-purchase these dates.