Kabkab dates

Iranian Kabkab dates are known as a delicious and economical date in Iran. This type of date has a very delicious taste that is the result of its sweet meat and thin skin.

Area under cultivation of Kabkab dates in Iran and harvest time
Iranian Kabkab dates are mainly cultivated in Bushehr province in Dashtestan and Borazjan cities. It has also been cultivated in Fars province in Kazerun city, Kamarj city and Khuzestan province in Behbahan city.
Kabkab dates have more than 30861 hectares under cultivation. This date is the second most popular date in Iran after Mazafati date with 4505 kg per hectare. And more than 50,000 tons of palm groves are harvested annually. The main centers of cultivation of Iranian Kabkab dates are in Khuzestan, Shiraz and Bushehr provinces. About 80% of palm orchards in Bushehr province are cultivated with this date. The best quality Kabkab dates are also grown in Bushehr province.
Kabkab dates are harvested in late January, but the ripening dates are in early September. After harvesting, the Kabkabs are washed, washed and prepared for various packages.
Specialized features of grilled dates
Kabkab dates are dark brown when they reach the color and are yellow in the case of Khark and Rotab. The fruit has an oval shape with a thick skin that sticks to the date flesh. The moisture content of Kabkab dates is close to 18%, which puts it in the group of semi-dry or wet dates. The average weight of each date is about 11 grams and its length is between 3.5 to 4 cm.
Nutrients and benefits of grilled dates
Roasted dates have many health benefits, and can help improve the body’s lost energy throughout the day. This date is suitable for weight loss due to its magnesium content. And the iron in it is useful for treating anemia and heart problems.
This fruit, like other types of dates, has many nutrients and has many benefits for consumers. Carbohydrates are the basis of its compounds, which weigh 70% of the fruit and are also suitable for seasonal allergies due to their anti-allergic properties.
Calcium, potassium and minerals are other ingredients of grilled dates.

Storage, packaging and export of Kabkab dates
The very juicy flesh and juice of this date makes it shorter to keep than other date items and does not allow long-term storage without refrigeration. Kebab fruit can be stored in a cool, dry environment away from direct sunlight for up to 6 months.
Kebab is less known in international markets than Mazafati, Rabi, Piarom, Zahedi and other dates, and unlike international markets, the high quality of this product has made it popular in domestic markets.
In the past, pressed packaging was the only type of packaging for Kabkab dates, but now there is a modern packaging that is suitable for exporting these dates.
Iranian kebab dates are offered in two main forms and private label in different packages from 250 grams to 5 kg.